Sunday, June 5, 2011

Early Tuesday Morning

Tuesday: Had class at 8:30am for some unknown reason. But the bus I usually take just whizzed past instead of stopping at my stop like it usually does…so I had to wait for the next one and was 10 min late. But the other half of my class (read: 4 other people) didn’t come tile 9am so it was no big. Went over stuff I already know but felt bad for the kid who sits next to me cause he couldn’t understand the directions and was getting really frustrated. I know exactly what that’s like and I tried to help him out and be encouraging J.

Then I went to the cafeteria with David and Ma while they chilled before their 2pm class. I also gave David some vitamins and decongestant because he is sick and he may have gotten it from me somehow. We had cafeteria tortellini, soda, and the pizza the table next to us full of other Hawaiians didn’t want (you guessed it, olives were involved). David also showed me how to fix a broken cigarette. (He has so many skillz!)

Then I went to the bus stop and talked to Martin instead of getting on the multiple busses going by I could have gotten on. (In Argentina you are never in a hurry). But then once his bus came I got on what I thought was my bus. Nope. It took me really far away from the city up to like the hills, it was a bit scary but I just kept telling myself that busses go in a loop and I would be back at the university eventually. So 45 min later I got off at the University, walked down the hill a bus stop and got on the correct trolley after asking the bus driver if it was going to the Plaza de San Martin. Got home, ate lunch, took a 2 hr siesta and had some tea with Olga. She is sick and has this scary sounding cough like her lungs are coming out. But she went to the dr today and should be better soon. Then I went to Havanna and there were some Baylor kidos there who I sat by. I puttered around on fb and creeped all over people’s pics from the mountain trip.

Then new epic meal time is amazing. Maybe even better then the breakfast one I love so much, though that is quite a strong statement. I came home for dinner and because I couldn’t find anyone to go to and from Irish Pub with me.

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