Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Spending Pesos Like its Monopoly Money"

-to quote a baylor kid who goes out all the time :P

omg i am finally on the internet! i havent been on since like wednesday and i have been tweekin! 
well i have gone out 4 days in a row. and here are the highlights:

on wed. i went to voodoo bar for sarah's 21st (UC Davis chick) with brandon (my new bestie). it was so much fun but we got home really late and i only got like 2 -3hrs of sleep before i had to go to class.

then thursday some kids came over to my house and cooked dinner. then best raviolli i have ever had! then we went to a boliche (a club) and got in at like 7am, slept for 2 hrs and had class at 10 til 11. then i had tango, lunch, a museum tour and got home at like 4:30. showered, slept for 3 hrs and met back up with people at irish pub for brandon's birthday. after irish we went to the chocras (an area outside of the city where there is just HUGE clubs and bars) and we drank champagne and speed (argentine red bull). its soooo good. 

soooo. we got in at like 7am after i fell asleep in the taxi. then saturday i went to this conversational partners picnic at the park. (convo partners is transfer students and mendoza students and we practice our span/eng together) its super great for meeting locals and everyone wants to be everyone's friend here. i love it! i know like tons of people already just cause everyone is ready to be anyone's friend and give you thier cell phone number. hahaha. its a totally different social dynamic.

also its considered improper to drink straight out of a bottle here. like any bottle. you either put it in a cup or use a straw in the bottle. I have been going to Irish Pub with people and trying different kinds of beers. I feel so grown up! But the one I tried that i love is this Red Ale I had on friday. The brand was "OtroMundo" but it was very yummmmy!

on saturday night i went to a birthday dinner at brandon's house and we had empenadas and pizza. we ended up on aristides (mendoza 6th street, tons of bars, restaurants, and clubs) at a bar called exxtreme. they have these giant tubes they put on the tables full of campari. which is a type of liquior with orange juice. its is a redish color though. well these tubes are huge and have a spout on the bottom. it was kinda magical. i have to go there again and ill take my camera. 

yea but everyone got tired and didnt want to go danceing so we ended up just going home early and i got home at lie 3:30 and slept til noon. then had wine with lunch cause thats what people do here.

Oh and the cali and hawaii kids keep makin fun of me for saying y'all. they just dont know what they are missin out on. its rhetorical magic! haha.

I missed my sister's graduation and the party. im really bummed about it. but im having an amazing time here and she knows i would have loved to have been there. 

hope all is well over in the states. BESOS! BESOS!

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