Friday, June 3, 2011

A saturday full of activities

Saturday: We had to be at the Plaza at 8:30am to get on a bus to take us out to the mountains for a day of fun and asado(delicious argentine BBQ). We got there and had coffee/tea, these sweet bread circles with apple filling, and sweet croissants (media lunas). Next we all took some pics of the mountains, each other, and everything in sight. Then about half the group got on like 20 horses, I have never ridden a horse before but it wasn’t really that tricky. They guy who helped me up explained it pretty basically (in Spanish of course). Pull the rope connected to its mouth left to go izquierda, pull right ir derecha, and pull back to stop. We went along a trail for about half an hour then came back. I had a great time even if it got the laziest/most upset horse ever. He totally was not happy about having to be saddled up and walk that day. He walked slower then all the other horses and I kept trying to get it to go faster and yelling CABALLO PEREZOSO!! Ma (hawanii partner in crime) thought that was pretty funny and we took tons of pics of each other on our horses. Then she dropped her jacket onto the ground. Which isn’t a big deal unless you’re ON A FREAKIN HORSE! So I gave her my reins to hold and hopped off my lazy horse and grabbed the jacket out of the dirt and climbed back up like a pro. No big.

When we got back there were people climbing this large hill to see the view from the top. So we climbed it. We had to cross this river, so my shoes got wet, then we realized the whole hill was covered in spikey bushes and rocks. We came down afterwards a bit scratched up and sweaty. Empanadas and wine were waiting for us at the bottom though so it was made up for. Jeeze empanadas are delicious. Its like ground beef and cooked onions and spices enclosed a flacky tortilla that’s been folded over and the edged folded up to keep it all the deliciousness inside.

Next we all hung out and a couple of the guys who work there showed us this hand trick where you hold a wine cork in the crook of your thumb, in each hand. Then using your thumb and pointer finger, change the hands the corks are in. It’s A LOT HARDER then you would think. In fact I couldn’t get it but of course David did. I think its cause he has bigger hands and cause he has tons of skills and just seems to be good at everything.

Then finally the asado was ready and we ate SO MUCH DELICIOUS MEAT! There were ribs, goat, sausage (chorizo) and steak. oh and salad too. After some sitting and chatting there was dancing. First just the locals who were all dressed traditionally were dancing but then they grabbed some of the students and that was too much fun. Of course I danced with an Argentina boy and afterwards we chatted for like 20 min. In Spanish of course, but it wasn’t as aweful as I thought it was going to be. (I have been really anxious of talking to random people because of my poor Spanish sklls) but he was really nice and talked slow for me. Apparently one of the teaching assistants who are super cool took a picture of me talking to him and told me needed to ask him out for drinks later. HAHA.

While we chilled some more(there is tons of just hanging round here in Argentina) The older guy who is in charge gave some of the boys cigarettes in exchange for kisses from the girls. Such a player! Haha so of course I had to participate, it was really amusing. After some dessert of dulce de leche in a form I had not seem before and some champagne(so many cheers happened SALUD!!) we got back on the busses and drove the 2 ½ hrs back to the plaza. We got back at 8:30pm and I went home, ate dinner, showered, got dolled up and chilled for a bit.

Then around 11:30 we all met up at the Plaza to go to the Irish pub before going out for the evening. At the boliche (big argentine club) there was much dancing, laughing, and 90’s music if you can believe it. They love that stuff here! I got in at like 5am. An early night for a Mendocino!

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