Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lazy Sunday and First Monday

Sunday: Got woken up at 1pm for lunch and Olga’s grandsons came over. They are 15 and 14, so they are no longer young and obnoxious, but they aren’t quite old enough be social either. So with my minimal Spanish we did not converse very much. I decided to go to Havanna to see if I could skype my family and friends who are visiting for Sydney’s graduation party.

I was at Havanna for like 4 hours. I skyped, posted pics, fb chatted with kids, and some girls from Baylor came in and I hung out with them for a while. Next I went home for dinner and did my tiny bit of homework for the next day. Then I watched Get Him to The Greek and went to sleep.

Monday: Had class at 9am. Got very frustrated with my class being too easy and continued to talk to my teachers about moving up. I get cranky toward the end of class because I get hungry and that makes me tired. I need to start bringing a snack to eat during a break around 11am. Anyway, then we had a break till 3:15 when we had a tango class. They fed us at the cafeteria and somehow I ended up at the end of the table with the 3 boys who are in the class. Then suddenly all the other girls were gone and I just chilled with the boys till it was time to leave.

After the class we all made plans at the plaza. The girls wanted to go to Havanna and me and the other boys wanted to go to Aristedes. Which is the street with all the cool restaurants on it. (again with only boys) We ended up at a café/bar place and john and I split creppes con dulce de leche y ron. OMG! It was probably the most delicious think I have eaten yet here in Argentina. It was soooo good, you know that feeling you get when you eat a hot honey butter chicken biscuit from Whataburger? The one that makes you wanna yell and make obnoxious and suggestive noises because it is soooo amazing that our mouth is convulsing? It was like that, but more intense. Lol but since we were in a public place we tried to muffle out obnoxious.

Then we went to Havanna so everyone could get on the internet and there were some kids from UC Davis (California) with a Mendoza girl there studying. We know them from UNC. We chilled with them and around 9ish we went to have dinner at a all you can eat pizza place. It was all you can eat cheese pizza for 20 pesos a person. STEAL! I split the pizza/beer combo with Karina, but she only wanted pizza. A liter of beer ended up being more then I expected. Not in a “I’m going to be drunk/tipsy way” just in a “that’s a lot of liquid” way. But 2 other kids got liters so we just sat at that restaurant till like 12:30, sipping and munching pizza.

Side note: they put olives on everything here. It’s gross. They give you pizza cut into slices and stick an olive on each slice. Then even if you pick it off and give it to someone else to eat, you can still kinda taste the olive when you get to the contaminated area of the slice. Pretty unfortunate. I power though :P

Next we walked back towards the Plaza and passed a park and I insisted on swinging. Then 2 others and me got on the marry-go-round. BIIIIIIG MISTAKE! I was yelling for them to stop it cause I was going to fall off cause I couldn’t hold on any longer but John just kept spinning it. Terrible boys. Then josh and john caught cabs at the casino and Brandon walked me 4 blocks to my apartment cause he didn’t feel like going home quite yet. Pretty quite/successful night if I do say so myself.

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