Sunday, May 29, 2011

Things that are big here

Carbonated water
everything in glass bottles
Very small coffees
Very big shots
Ugly guy hair
Foot long hotdogs as drunken food of choice
Roasted and candied nuts
An alcohol called fuente they mix with coke. It tastes like toothpaste…
Dancing at clubs doesn’t start til 2am. So I got home at like 7:30 in the morning after tons of dancing and a hot dog runwhen I went out with some Hawaiians and Argentinians.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Men Stare...

So Wednesday was a holiday and my host mama Olga had a few friends over to celebrate. We all had lunch together and ate tons of empanadas, which are delicious. But the whole time I was giggling to myself because my dad is kind of a table manners Nazi and the ladies I was eating with were doing things like putting their elbows on the table and not putting their napkins in their laps. They are all super sweet and everything was wonderful, I just couldn’t stop giggling to myself about all of it.

Problems in the City:
Men stare. I was warned about it. But some do so much more politely then others. At a festival on Wednesday, I was walking with Olga and this guy who had to be at least in his 40’s walked past us. As he did, he lifted up his sunglasses and looked right down at my probably right down my shirt. I was surprised and embarrassed. If I had not been taken so off guard I would have flicked him off and yelled. But I didn’t react fast enough, but next time, if its during the day near lots of people. Oh I can’t wait to see that ass hole’s face when I freak out at him.
That was an isolated incident. On the rare occasions I am walking home or to the plaza at night, some guys will stare as I pass then and mumble/whisper things. Sometimes its hola or Buenos noches. Sometimes I hear Hermosa(beautiful). Some times its kissing noises after I have passed. It’s getting on my nerves, but at the same time it doesn’t even matter. They make their choices and I can choose to let it affect me or not. They do not have the power to make me feel uncomfortable unless I let them. So far no one had touched me, and if they do I’m going to make a scene, but I don’t think it is going to happen. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Limon y Sal

Ah well things have gotten busier so I’m gunna try to summarize what I have been up to and what I have learned in the past 2 days.

            My host mother speaks no English and she speaks Spanish very fast. On the first day, I could not follow what she was talking about unless she repeated it and used sign language because when all the words are strung together I have trouble picking out individual ones that I recognize. Now that I have been here 2 ½ days, I am already tons better at picking up what she is saying. That means I only catch a little more then a third of what she says. But I am doing way better. Also, I have stopped having to translate a lot of what she says to English in my head. I just understand the Spanish…if that makes any sense. I have also met a boy who speaks great English and Spanish, so I ask him how to say a few things when I see him.
I start Spanish classes on Thursday.

The Holiday:
            I have no class Wednesday because of the holiday. May 25th is the day Jose de San Martin began the revolution against Spain. Their independence day is July 9th when San Martin liberated Argentina, Chile, and Peru from Spain. So tonight I saw a military band in the plaza with Olga, my host mama. There were fireworks and they played patriotic songs of Argentina and of Mendoza. It was in front of this gorgeous fountain. I took a video so I will post that on facebook instead of trying to describe it to you. :D Anyway, tomorrow there are lots of festivities to attend and we are making empanadas and other cultural foods. I’m excited!

Culture Shocks:
            Not too many yet. But people stare here. Not just at me but at everything. So I get looked at a lot, but it’s not a big deal. No one has yelled to me or tried to touch me on the streets or something. Though I did piss off a drunk bum the other night when me and some friends were sitting outside at a restaurant and he was asking for money. I told him to go away in broken Spanish and he said something I didn’t understand. Then some cops came over and made him leave. But when I asked my friends what he said they wouldn’t tell me. :P
The only other thing is that I’m pretty sure I come off as rude to the native speakers I encounter because I don’t really talk to them when they try to address me. Like people who I have to share the elevator with, or the doorman at my apartment, or the waitress at the coffee shop I frequent. They try to talk to me and I just smile and nod because 9 times out of 10 I don’t know what they are trying to say. And even if I need to tell them something, I don’t want to because I probably won’t understand their response.
 I pissed off a waitress earlier today when I didn’t understand that she was telling me that I had to buy something in order to keep using their Wi-Fi. I just kept telling her I didn’t want anything. They got some friend of a friend who speaks English to tell me what was going on. Yes, I am that rude person, but oh well!

PS. Jessi: I am listening to Limon y Sal, missing you!!! <3

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 1

Once I was home from the airport with my host mama, I unpacked and got situated. After eating and a nap we went to a café about a block from her house where I could get on the internet for free. I skyped with my mom for like 20 min but didn’t really have anything to report since I have only just gotten here and I felt a bit rude ignoring my host. So we had these CUUTTEE tiny cups of yummy coffee and she bought me a Havana chocolate. It was super good; I’ll have to bring some back for a few of the lucky ones getting gifts. :P Joking!
You all probably know how awful I am with names, so of course I cannot remember host mama’s name. But I will covertly figure it out SOON. She is the best though. Since I don’t speak much Spanish it is hard for me to just start up a conversation, so as we walked around she would just talk slowly about the shops and how young people will dance all night on the weekends.
Then we went to the plaza independencia and the fountains have their water turned blue for the holiday on the 25th. (the Argentina flag is white and light blue) Which I thought was super cool, but I didn’t bring my camera otherwise I would have plenty of pics of hippies, artisans selling their wears, blue fountains, and stray dogs getting in people’s way. It was all so interesting but one thing that I have learned is that no matter what city you are in, the hippies are always selling the same things. Metal jewelry made out of forks, woven bracelets, rinky-dink toys that fly, and necklaces/earrings made from precious stones with leather straps. They are authentic but I could go to Portland/San Francisco/Austin and buy something very similar from many a street vendor. :P
After that we walked back toward our house and she told me how one of her friends was coming over for dinner and I told her I wanted to go to the café to get on the internet to talk to my friends. She thought that was a great idea and I was home in time for dinner. But her and her friend were talking about political stuff and Obama and I was too tired to try to keep up and I also don’t have the ability to understand everything they are talking about to I took a shower and read my book for like an hour. OMG, the book I am reading is incredible. Right now it is talking about what love is, and it says that love lets those it loves be whoever they want to be. And the only person I could think of is Jessi, my wonderful roommate who lets me do and be whoever I want even with when I get crazy idea. She loves me regardless. Jessi. You are the absolutely the best ever and I miss you like crazy :D <3

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Post Flight

Once I landed in Mendoza I got my passport stamped…which was not as exciting as I thought it was going to be. But went through customs and found my host mamma. She is soooo nice and doesn’t speak ANY ENGLISH. She handed me her phone and a card that said “Your Ride” So I dialed it for her and she told a guy in a car we were ready to go. He picked us up and drove us around Mendoza and she pointed out lots of stuff and told me how its usually busy but since its Sunday most of the stores are closed.
We got to her apartment and the elevator is one of those that has the two grates you pull across the door and buttons that don’t light up they are just pegs. Its all super neat! Her apartment had the radio playing as we walked in and she told me she always likes to listen to music. God the match of her and me was made in heaven! :D
As I unpacked she made us lunch. It was sooo good! It was baked chicken, this salad that was mostly tomatoes and avocado, with a bit of lettuce and onion. Oh and bread. Yummmmm. Then for dessert this chocolate custard stuff with cake on the bottom. She just called it postre so I’m not sure what an English equivalent would be. Also, they play some English songs on the radio station we are currently listening to and I could only think of Chloe as one of our favorite songs came on. Haha that one by Bruno Mars that is like, today I don’t feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed. :D
Well I’m already taking pics and almost done unpacking. But I need a NAP! After traveling all night and waking up every hour or some cause my hand was asleep will really take it out of you. lol
I was gunna post pics but they arent uploading but they are all already on fb. 

This blog was meant for you to keep up to date on my time here but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know what is going on with you, or at least that you are reading about my adventures. So if you are so inclined, leave me a comment with what you did today or how you family is doing. Or if you want a more lengthy interaction email me at 

The Flights

You know when you are at a theme park and you convince yourself you really want to go on the tall ride that brings you high in the air then drops you straight down? So you get on the ride telling yourself it’s going to be outrageously fun. But right as it stops at the top, you get that sinking feeling in your stomach and you realize its not fun, and you have no idea why you convinced yourself you would like this, and all you want is to get off but that’s absolutely impossible. The only way off is to free-fall back to earth.
Well sitting on the plane while everyone is boarding on the first leg on my journey, which takes me to Miami, I’m feeling just like that. Like all the time building up to this, I knew that I would really enjoy the trip, but now I feel kinda of sick and uneasy. Like I’m at the top of the roller coaster and all I want is to get off and not go around doing extraordinary things. But the only way back to Katy is on the plane ride in July from Buenos Aires.

Now I’m sitting in the Miami airport and I just had that sinking feeling in my stomach that I can only describe as a mixture of excitement/anticipation and terror. It doesn’t help that people only speak Spanish in Miami and all the department stores in this place are playing Hispanic music. I’m going to be studying my Spanish notebook furiously on my next leg of the flight.
Also, airport food is overpriced. But I guess it makes sense that its just like at theme parks. Ya can’t leave and you’re hungry. Well I need to go find a water fountain to fill my water bottle at and see if I can tap into some wifi so I can let my family know I have arrived safely.

After a minor mental breakdown right before take off…during…and a bit after; I started watching the in flight movie and from there I was good. I got to Santiago, Chile just fine and during the flight to Mendoza I sat next to a really nice guy from San Juan who helped me fill out my immigration sheet, where you put all the things your bringing into the country and your passport number and all that whatnot. He spoke some English and I speak some Spanish so we could communicate but not quite carry on a great lengthy conversation.
I am here and not very articulate. It has been an emotionally draining day. Hope all is well in the states. :P

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wow...I got a shout out :D

I emailed one of my favorite pep talk bloggers and she posted my email as a shout out to something awesome happening! Her post was:

You’re Ready.

Pep talk: You’ve done enough prep work. In your mind, you’ve rehearsed the upcoming scenario countless times and you’ve anticipated how you’ll handle any variables. Now it’s time for action and you are prepared. Go get ‘em. 
Today remind yourself: I’m ready.

I have been feeling really overwhelmed lately and I just read this and knew...I'm f-ing ready!!!

Thanks so much Rachel! <3 Her response to my email was:

This experience will add so much flavor 
to your already spicy life. Soak it in. xoxoxoxoxoxo

Just 3 Days!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Packing Starts

My bed is currently littered with cosmetics, jewelry, medicine, vitamins and small electronics. I have been going through my copious amounts of all those things and picking out the few I will take with me. Earlier my momma and I went through my wintery clothes and picked what I should bring and shouldn't and what needs to be washed before its packed. We also identified what I still need: A few solid round neck t-shirts, a camera charger, decongestant, chap stick, and cotton balls.

But a few things I did get today were an adaptor, a converter and the locks for my bags that the security guys at the airport won't cut off(Ace Hardware. Thx GP!). I also applied for a credit card through my bank so if I have to make a transaction in Mendoza at a bit of a sketchy coffee shop or trinket store and my account info gets stolen, it will only be on my credit card and not tied back to my actual account and my real money. Hopefully it gets here in time for me to take it with me. :D

Now I'm just trying to see everyone before I leave and not think about everything I have to do once I get back :P

Just 5 Days!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Loans, Luggage, and Liability.

Yippeeee! My loan has been approved and sent through all the legal channels. I officially accepted it this week and I am financially set for my travels. I was allowed more funds then the tuition actually costs, so I can use the extra money for my argentina cell phone costs, books, and whatever else I need to purchase while there.

My momma and I went shopping yesterday for lots of things I would need for the trip, so I got a big suitcase, some tights, and gifts for my teachers and host family. I also got some new gladiators and a bag that is going to function as my carry on for the plane, my backpack for class, and my overnight bag for weekend trips through the Baylor program. I LOVE MULTI-FUNCTIONALITY! Its all coming together and I'm getting really excited, well excited and scared. (Can you name the song I just partially quoted??)

I had a minor melt down this week when I didn't have a list of exactly what papers I needed to make a copy of to leave here with my parents, and I almost wrote my program director a frantic email. But I pulled it together and just started gathering all my important papers and I kinda figured it out on my own. I copied my passport, my student abroad insurance card, my credit card, the list of emergency numbers in Argentina, my itinerary, and the brochure that came with my travel insurance so my parents would have all that whatnot.

Just 7 Days!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Packing Prep

When I packed up all my things from my apartment a few days ago and brought it all home, I did not do so with much order in mind. Clothes from the closet went into the bins with the non-closet clothes. Then all other possessions either went into storage or into a few other boxes. What this all means is that the stuff I would need to pack for Argentina is all mixed up between all of the boxes I brought home.

So the other day I went through all my clothes and organized them into winter clothes potentially going to Argentina with me, summer clothes, and clothes I won't wear till I get back up to Baylor. Now I am all set to decide what minimal winter clothes I will be packing in the one large suitcase I will be allotting myself.

Yep, its going to be winter in Mendoza when I get there. CRAZY right?! Good thing I have gotten a pretty good fill of summer already living in the south. I already have a pretty respectable tan from laying out by the pool with my family for all of easter weekend and going to the beach with them for Mother's Day. It was 91 degrees here today when I was driving around. So a high of 55 low of 35 sounds kinda nice, though I will miss me some Houston humidity.

Just 12 Days!!