Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Packing Prep

When I packed up all my things from my apartment a few days ago and brought it all home, I did not do so with much order in mind. Clothes from the closet went into the bins with the non-closet clothes. Then all other possessions either went into storage or into a few other boxes. What this all means is that the stuff I would need to pack for Argentina is all mixed up between all of the boxes I brought home.

So the other day I went through all my clothes and organized them into winter clothes potentially going to Argentina with me, summer clothes, and clothes I won't wear till I get back up to Baylor. Now I am all set to decide what minimal winter clothes I will be packing in the one large suitcase I will be allotting myself.

Yep, its going to be winter in Mendoza when I get there. CRAZY right?! Good thing I have gotten a pretty good fill of summer already living in the south. I already have a pretty respectable tan from laying out by the pool with my family for all of easter weekend and going to the beach with them for Mother's Day. It was 91 degrees here today when I was driving around. So a high of 55 low of 35 sounds kinda nice, though I will miss me some Houston humidity.

Just 12 Days!!

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