Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 1

Once I was home from the airport with my host mama, I unpacked and got situated. After eating and a nap we went to a café about a block from her house where I could get on the internet for free. I skyped with my mom for like 20 min but didn’t really have anything to report since I have only just gotten here and I felt a bit rude ignoring my host. So we had these CUUTTEE tiny cups of yummy coffee and she bought me a Havana chocolate. It was super good; I’ll have to bring some back for a few of the lucky ones getting gifts. :P Joking!
You all probably know how awful I am with names, so of course I cannot remember host mama’s name. But I will covertly figure it out SOON. She is the best though. Since I don’t speak much Spanish it is hard for me to just start up a conversation, so as we walked around she would just talk slowly about the shops and how young people will dance all night on the weekends.
Then we went to the plaza independencia and the fountains have their water turned blue for the holiday on the 25th. (the Argentina flag is white and light blue) Which I thought was super cool, but I didn’t bring my camera otherwise I would have plenty of pics of hippies, artisans selling their wears, blue fountains, and stray dogs getting in people’s way. It was all so interesting but one thing that I have learned is that no matter what city you are in, the hippies are always selling the same things. Metal jewelry made out of forks, woven bracelets, rinky-dink toys that fly, and necklaces/earrings made from precious stones with leather straps. They are authentic but I could go to Portland/San Francisco/Austin and buy something very similar from many a street vendor. :P
After that we walked back toward our house and she told me how one of her friends was coming over for dinner and I told her I wanted to go to the café to get on the internet to talk to my friends. She thought that was a great idea and I was home in time for dinner. But her and her friend were talking about political stuff and Obama and I was too tired to try to keep up and I also don’t have the ability to understand everything they are talking about to I took a shower and read my book for like an hour. OMG, the book I am reading is incredible. Right now it is talking about what love is, and it says that love lets those it loves be whoever they want to be. And the only person I could think of is Jessi, my wonderful roommate who lets me do and be whoever I want even with when I get crazy idea. She loves me regardless. Jessi. You are the absolutely the best ever and I miss you like crazy :D <3


  1. Sounds pretty awesome. Hope the Spanish gets easier for you!

  2. I'm so jealous of you right now! Inshallah, you'll have an amazing time, especially with such a nice host momma. take pictures of the cafe, i wanna see it =)

    I'm sorry i havent been able to reply to your previous posts, although i had the intention of commenting. my computer had its epic struggle...and lost =P i told my dad not to buy another computer until august so until then i'm hopping around my family's houses.
    summer has been lethargic so far, but i plan to do more! I posted a new entry today, and am planning stuff with cousins and friends.

    so many goals to get through: the one immediately on hand is sorting out the garage so i'm off to do that =P
