Friday, May 27, 2011

Men Stare...

So Wednesday was a holiday and my host mama Olga had a few friends over to celebrate. We all had lunch together and ate tons of empanadas, which are delicious. But the whole time I was giggling to myself because my dad is kind of a table manners Nazi and the ladies I was eating with were doing things like putting their elbows on the table and not putting their napkins in their laps. They are all super sweet and everything was wonderful, I just couldn’t stop giggling to myself about all of it.

Problems in the City:
Men stare. I was warned about it. But some do so much more politely then others. At a festival on Wednesday, I was walking with Olga and this guy who had to be at least in his 40’s walked past us. As he did, he lifted up his sunglasses and looked right down at my probably right down my shirt. I was surprised and embarrassed. If I had not been taken so off guard I would have flicked him off and yelled. But I didn’t react fast enough, but next time, if its during the day near lots of people. Oh I can’t wait to see that ass hole’s face when I freak out at him.
That was an isolated incident. On the rare occasions I am walking home or to the plaza at night, some guys will stare as I pass then and mumble/whisper things. Sometimes its hola or Buenos noches. Sometimes I hear Hermosa(beautiful). Some times its kissing noises after I have passed. It’s getting on my nerves, but at the same time it doesn’t even matter. They make their choices and I can choose to let it affect me or not. They do not have the power to make me feel uncomfortable unless I let them. So far no one had touched me, and if they do I’m going to make a scene, but I don’t think it is going to happen. 

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