Monday, May 16, 2011

The Packing Starts

My bed is currently littered with cosmetics, jewelry, medicine, vitamins and small electronics. I have been going through my copious amounts of all those things and picking out the few I will take with me. Earlier my momma and I went through my wintery clothes and picked what I should bring and shouldn't and what needs to be washed before its packed. We also identified what I still need: A few solid round neck t-shirts, a camera charger, decongestant, chap stick, and cotton balls.

But a few things I did get today were an adaptor, a converter and the locks for my bags that the security guys at the airport won't cut off(Ace Hardware. Thx GP!). I also applied for a credit card through my bank so if I have to make a transaction in Mendoza at a bit of a sketchy coffee shop or trinket store and my account info gets stolen, it will only be on my credit card and not tied back to my actual account and my real money. Hopefully it gets here in time for me to take it with me. :D

Now I'm just trying to see everyone before I leave and not think about everything I have to do once I get back :P

Just 5 Days!!

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