Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Flights

You know when you are at a theme park and you convince yourself you really want to go on the tall ride that brings you high in the air then drops you straight down? So you get on the ride telling yourself it’s going to be outrageously fun. But right as it stops at the top, you get that sinking feeling in your stomach and you realize its not fun, and you have no idea why you convinced yourself you would like this, and all you want is to get off but that’s absolutely impossible. The only way off is to free-fall back to earth.
Well sitting on the plane while everyone is boarding on the first leg on my journey, which takes me to Miami, I’m feeling just like that. Like all the time building up to this, I knew that I would really enjoy the trip, but now I feel kinda of sick and uneasy. Like I’m at the top of the roller coaster and all I want is to get off and not go around doing extraordinary things. But the only way back to Katy is on the plane ride in July from Buenos Aires.

Now I’m sitting in the Miami airport and I just had that sinking feeling in my stomach that I can only describe as a mixture of excitement/anticipation and terror. It doesn’t help that people only speak Spanish in Miami and all the department stores in this place are playing Hispanic music. I’m going to be studying my Spanish notebook furiously on my next leg of the flight.
Also, airport food is overpriced. But I guess it makes sense that its just like at theme parks. Ya can’t leave and you’re hungry. Well I need to go find a water fountain to fill my water bottle at and see if I can tap into some wifi so I can let my family know I have arrived safely.

After a minor mental breakdown right before take off…during…and a bit after; I started watching the in flight movie and from there I was good. I got to Santiago, Chile just fine and during the flight to Mendoza I sat next to a really nice guy from San Juan who helped me fill out my immigration sheet, where you put all the things your bringing into the country and your passport number and all that whatnot. He spoke some English and I speak some Spanish so we could communicate but not quite carry on a great lengthy conversation.
I am here and not very articulate. It has been an emotionally draining day. Hope all is well in the states. :P


  1. Glad to read that you are learning some good life lessons right away. I try to avoid buying anything in an airport. Soak it all up, its a once in a lifetime adventure. I can't wait to read your reaction to being back in the states in a few months after being away for so long. Have fun an open mind and live it up!!!!!!!!!! Love You!

    -Big Brother

  2. ah big brother, you have no idea how much i miss you and how many stories i have to tell you. we need to catch up very soon <3<3<3
