Sunday, May 22, 2011

Post Flight

Once I landed in Mendoza I got my passport stamped…which was not as exciting as I thought it was going to be. But went through customs and found my host mamma. She is soooo nice and doesn’t speak ANY ENGLISH. She handed me her phone and a card that said “Your Ride” So I dialed it for her and she told a guy in a car we were ready to go. He picked us up and drove us around Mendoza and she pointed out lots of stuff and told me how its usually busy but since its Sunday most of the stores are closed.
We got to her apartment and the elevator is one of those that has the two grates you pull across the door and buttons that don’t light up they are just pegs. Its all super neat! Her apartment had the radio playing as we walked in and she told me she always likes to listen to music. God the match of her and me was made in heaven! :D
As I unpacked she made us lunch. It was sooo good! It was baked chicken, this salad that was mostly tomatoes and avocado, with a bit of lettuce and onion. Oh and bread. Yummmmm. Then for dessert this chocolate custard stuff with cake on the bottom. She just called it postre so I’m not sure what an English equivalent would be. Also, they play some English songs on the radio station we are currently listening to and I could only think of Chloe as one of our favorite songs came on. Haha that one by Bruno Mars that is like, today I don’t feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed. :D
Well I’m already taking pics and almost done unpacking. But I need a NAP! After traveling all night and waking up every hour or some cause my hand was asleep will really take it out of you. lol
I was gunna post pics but they arent uploading but they are all already on fb. 

This blog was meant for you to keep up to date on my time here but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know what is going on with you, or at least that you are reading about my adventures. So if you are so inclined, leave me a comment with what you did today or how you family is doing. Or if you want a more lengthy interaction email me at 

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